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Surprise! Accounting is the Hot New Major
by: Donna Monday
There was a time when accounting was the boring college major that many people regretted signing up for. A constant barrage of numbers, statistics and spreadsheets was none too interesting.

Boy, have times changed! Thanks to recent accounting scandals by companies like Enron, there is a high demand for accountants and auditors.

According to the Job Outlook 2005 survey, accounting comes out on top as the most in-demand major on college campuses. Forget dot com start ups. Cleaning up a company�s accounting books is what�s in.

But can accounting be sexy?

�All the focus on accounting created a perception to students that accounting matters and is perhaps even sexy,� says Ira Solomon, head of the department of accountancy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Colleges are scrambling to find more accounting teachers and professors to replace those retiring. Not an easy task, since there are twice as many accounting faculty openings than applicants to fill them.

Here are the top 10 most in-demand college majors as surveyed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE):

1) Accounting
2) Electrical Engineering
3) Mechanical Engineering
4) Business Administration/Management
5) Economics/Finance
6) Computer Science
7) Computer Engineering
8) Marketing/Marketing Management
9) Chemical Engineering
10) Information Sciences and Systems

If you�re good with numbers and a stickler for details, you might want to consider accounting as a good career choice. However, you�ll probably have to take a number and wait in line behind all those other future accountant hopefuls.

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List Of Articles About AdSense Post By JV Blogger Eric Ten

Click Here for Full Page View or Do More Research on AdSense Click Here for Full Page View or Do More Research on AdSense Google AdSense: 7 Tips For Creating Sites That Make Moneyby: Neil BartlettHaving a Google AdSense site is a great way to make money. And to create an AdSense site, all you have to do is have a Google AdSense account (which is free), a website or a blog (which is free), and some articles (which are free if you write them yourself). Once you get your site up and running, the AdSense ads will be targeted to your content.Therefore, those looking for your content will come by, read your articles, and have a high probability of being interested in the targeted ads. Every time someone clicks an ad, you get paid! That is, as long as you have designed your site to maximize AdSense clickthroughs!Let's look at seven tips for creating AdSense sites that create money.#1: Keyword DensityBefore you place ads on your site, be sure your keyword density is good. You will want to be sure that the right kinds of ads are placed on your site. A free way to determine what the ads will look like on your site is to go to and type in your keywords. You will then be able to see exactly what ads would show on your site.If you don't like what you see, then you know that you need to make changes to your keywords! You can get keyword suggestions from Results Generator from Overture or from the free trial version of Word Tracker.#2: FocusedNot only will the ads be based on your keywords, but they will also be based on your content. You definitely want your keywords and your content to match as closely as possible.#3: Write OftenThe more information you have the better. Why? Because the more content you have, the more visitors you get. Many people suggest that you write a new article every day since no one wants to come back to your site to find the same old messages!#4: Choose The Right FormatAdSense allows you to choose many different ad formats. Research has shown that wider ads are more successful. The top three formats are:" 336×280 large rectangle" 300×250 medium rectangle" 160×600 wide skyscraperAdditionally, the 468×15 horizontal ad link under the navigation bar is also a good bet.#5: Color CountsYou have the option to create a Google AdSense ad in any color of your choice. The best thing to do is to make your ad blend well with your site color scheme. You should make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site. You will want your text color to either be black or the color of your main content.When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within…
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List Of Articles About Affiliate Post By JV Blogger Eric Ten

Click Here to Read or Listen Difference Languages for Full Page View or Do More Research on Affiliate Click Here for Full Page View or Do More Research on Affiliate 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing An Affiliate Programby: Michael TurnerWhen people decide to join an affiliate program to make extra money, or to have a full time job, they often do so with illusions and no idea of how the affiliate program actually works. Read the following top 5 mistakes people make when it comes to choosing an affiliate program and avoid these mistakes at all costs. Then, you will be able to be more effective and make more money for your time, so it is definitely worthwhile to read these warnings and avoid them.#1 Don�t Compete, SupportToo many affiliate programs compete against their competitors which wastes money and puts affiliates out of business. However, if you are part of an affiliate program the more affiliates the better for getting more information and more money. One of the worst things to do is choose an affiliate program that believes in competing against other affiliates. Instead, choose an affiliate program that agrees with supporting and growing other affiliates to have a larger network and access to more affiliates.#2 Little RewardAnother mistake people frequently make when choosing affiliate programs is choosing a program that offers little reward for the individual�s hard work. Too many affiliate programs pay too little and as a result affiliates find it difficult to make the money they should be making. Look for an affiliate program that has a good pay rate for your work.#3 Old Statistics, if AnyYou want an affiliate program that offers good, solid, real time statistics, not old statistics or ones that are no longer valid. There are not many affiliate programs out there that provide the kind of statistics an affiliate manager needs, but do your best to find an affiliate program that offers the most.#4 No SupportToo often affiliates find themselves waiting days for an answer to an e-mail and an important question for their business. You want an affiliate program that guarantees you support round the clock if possible or at least within 24 hours. If not, keep looking for an affiliate program that wants to help you help yourself.#5 Fresh Ideas, CreativesMany affiliate programs provide few ideas or creatives to their affiliates and so thousands of web pages end up with the same advertising. However, affiliate programs would have a better success rate if many different ads were made available so affiliates could alternate ads and place different ads on different sites, depending on the products sold.Commit these five mistakes to memory so you know exactly what you are looking for in an affiliate program, as well as what to avoid. You will be much more successful and happier as well if you do not get caught in these traps!About the Author: Michael Turner reveals step-by-step how you can increase search engine traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab…
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Reasons Why You Should Go For A Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Many start-up businesses right now have several people at their helm. Joint ventures are very popular among younger business-people and those who are putting up their very first business. And why so? Perhaps because a joint venture affords people with a host of benefits that are just too good to refuse. Here are some of them:1. You need expertiseYou can’t know anything. One of the best reasons for opting for a joint venture as opposed to doing it on your own is the need for another person’s expertise. For instance, if you want to start a T-shirt business but you do not know a thing about a T-shirt, the best way to start the business is to partner with someone who knows the business. You can learn from his or her expertise and start the business that you want. It beats having to enroll in some sort of T-shirt workshop.2. You need the moneySome people opt for having many business partners because they do not have enough money to start the business. Remember that starting any kind of business takes a lot of money and if you are young and fresh out of school, you will not the have that amount of money sitting idly. Thus, you can partner with several other people so that you can pool your money together and raise enough money for the business.You can even find partners who will finance the business while you do all the work. These are called the silent partners or the financiers of the operation.3. You need a cushionGoing into business can be frightening and some people feel better if they have people who will cushion their fall. In fact, some do not even care if they lose a lot of money just as long as they lose it with other people. Failure, after all, appears better and is easier to accept when shared with a lot of people.4. You need to have less riskThis goes back to the subject of money. Although some people have the money to risk, they do not want to risk everything. Thus, they look for partners who will share the risk with them. When there are many of you in a business, the amount of money that you need to initially invest will be smaller and more manageable.5. You need people to do the workWhen you are alone in the business, you will need to take care of it 24/7. This is not for people who are also holding full-time jobs and are just doing the business on the side. Having partners means that they can take over for you or you guys can come up with a schedule where each can take turns taking care of the business.6. You need more inputThinking of marketing gimmicks for your business or selling tactics on your own can be hard for the brain to do. Thus, you need more people to do the thinking for you. Click Here to Read…
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Joint Ventures, What it is About?

Check FREE JV Blogger Program For people who hear it for the first time, the term “joint venture” comes across as some kind of partnership. If you also got that impression, you are right. A joint venture is a partnership but not just between two people. It is the association of two or more people, companies or entities that want to combine their property, resources and expertise to create a business enterprise. This means that they will have joint shares on the company or in some cases the “product” or project that they have.It differs from ordinary partnership in the sense that it is not always for the long term and unlike, partnerships, the resources may not become the property of the other. It all depends on how the parties agree on paper.Joint ventures, you see, can happen even with companies that have already established themselves in the field. So why would they opt for a joint venture when they can certainly put up the project themselves? They lack the resources or one element in the mix. One example is perhaps two technology companies who each own a patent for a product and when these products are combined, they can produce one great product that they can sell. Because one cannot make the product on their own, the company will seek a joint venture with another to make it work.Another example when a joint venture is called for is when companies want to expand to another country and they want to partner with a company that already has an established market in the country. This makes everything easier for the company and sometimes also cost-effective. The same goes for companies who want to put their products in the market and need the resources like factories and selling areas to launch their products.Joint ventures also work for foreign companies who want to establish operations in a foreign land but cannot get a permit to do it. Some countries have strict laws against foreigner owning a business. Because of this law, some companies will seek partnership with a local company in order for their operations to push through. The same goes with companies who have problems with a language barrier and therefore need local companies to help them be introduced in the market.Joint ventures are also sought in the most part because of financial constraints. Some projects can be really expensive to undertake and some products can take a huge chunk of a company’s savings, cash that they really do not want to risk in a new enterprise. Joint ventures provide these companies with the option to partner with another company and therefore, divide that risk and also divide the capital.One thing to remember though with a joint venture is to seek a partner who you can trust and also someone that you share the same work ethic and vision with. Getting the wrong partner for this can spell disaster in the long run. So better make sure that you are…
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It Takes Two: Starting Up A Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program One of the problems with starting up a business or trying to enter a market is that sometimes you have the expertise but none of the money or you have all the capital but none of the manpower or the requisite knowledge. It's kind of risky when you're starting after all.That's where starting a joint venture comes in. A joint venture is essentially a limited form of legal partnership that spreads the risk of a business between two or more partners. Joint ventures are usually dedicated to one purpose though there are several ventures that are continuing business relationships – MSNBC, Microsoft and NBC Universal's cable news channel, being a prime example of an ongoing joint venture.The lessening of potential loss for both partners is one of the more obvious perks of being in a joint venture, but the fact that you and your partner share resources and expertise is the main point. He may have information on the marketplace and already have a distribution channel set up, while you have a product that you think is appropriate for the target demographic and just needs to reach the customers. Combining your skills is a no-brainer.So how does one go about going into a joint venture? Well, of course, the first step is getting a partner or partners. Write up a list of prospective partners and do a thorough screening – checking on the company's history and determining whether they are what you're looking for. After that, you should contact your potential partner so that you develop a business plan together – this includes both how your business relationship begins and ends, if your venture will be a limited one. Another part of the business plan will be how your companies will be structured to accommodate each other and how the income will apportioned.When you've cleared up the nitty-gritty business details, it's time to go into the legal stuff. When you're dealing with the finer points of business law, it would be best to hire a lawyer – yes, it may be expensive, but it will be even more expensive in the long-run if you don't hire one to draw up your partnership agreement. An ironclad legal agreement is the best defence against any future litigation that can be sent in your direction. Here are the main points that should be highlighted in your joint venture agreement: how intellectual property rights are dealt with, how the venture is managed, what the partnership covers in terms of business and what each partner is supposed to contribute to the venture.It should also be noted that the legal agreement must also cover how the venture may end – you may have achieved your goal, or you and your partners' interests have diverged or you have agreed to end the partnership at a particular time.And there you go – that's how you start your joint venture. Of course, it's a simple introduction but the details will be unique in…
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The Pros Of A Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program A joint venture refers to a partnership between two or more people for a business. It differs from the word “partnership” in the sense that it is more formal and in more legal terms. In a joint venture, the two parties sign a legal agreement that they will be sharing the tasks and the risks of the business or the new venture.Most start-up businesspeople opt for a joint venture as opposed to single proprietorship or multi-partners or corporation. Here is a brief rundown of the reasons why a joint venture is a good choice.Less riskFor people who are just starting their business or are virtually novices in the business arena, it can be frightening to just plunge head first and not have someone with you to cushion the risk. Having a partner or partners will make your investment smaller and therefore, lesser risk for you should the business fail. This is ideal for young entrepreneurs who are just testing the market and are not yet sure of their business ideas yet or those who are going into a field they do not know.Having a go-to guyWhen you have partners, there will be division of labor. Thus, you don’t need to do all the work yourself. You can divide the work among the partners where each one will handle one aspect of the business. This set-up is ideal for those who are doing the business part-time and would not be able to look into the business 24/7. If you can’t make it for instance to look at materials or check the quality control, at least, you have someone who can take over the reins for you. This does not mean however that you have the right to slack off.Single proprietors hire people to this for them but sometimes, it is better to have someone who you can trust. Employees are also seen as not having the same kind of passion and commitment to the business as perhaps a partner because they do not have a personal stake on it. Thus, they cannot be relied on the same way as you can rely on a partner.Having someone by your sideFor some people, they do not really care about the investment or the risk, they just want someone to be there should the business fail or have problems. Having somebody to rely on in times of trouble is vastly reassuring. Besides, although you can hire people to be there for you, there is nothing better than having a friend or someone you trust by your side.More ideasTwo heads are better than one or so the saying goes. Having many partners means that you will also have a lot of ideas to choose from. These can be good for the business especially when you are strategizing on marketing your products or thinking of a product idea or an additional service. The more people you have on your side, thinking for the business, the better. Click Here to Read…
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Reasons Why Companies Go For A Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Contrary to public perception, a joint venture does not only involve two people. It can actually involve more than two people. The meaning is the same as that of partnership in business except that “joint venture” is much more formal and official. It is actually a legal lingo that refers to the company or entity that is formed by the partnership of two or more people in order to start a business.But joint ventures are every much popular to people as they are to established companies. This is because joint ventures provide benefits that can cut down costs and help make the job easier. For instance, market penetration.With a joint venture, they will sharing the risk with each other as well as the profits of the business. All the properties of the company or the entity created will be owned jointly and when the partnership ends or is dissolved, the properties will be divided equally unless otherwise stated of course in a legal agreement. A joint venture, however, can be long term or short term depending on the original agreement between the two parties. Often, there is no specified period of time, but rather a specified situation or goal.Besides risk sharing, many people and even companies opt for a joint venture because of the benefits that they give to people. One of which is access and knowledge. One company for instance possesses a patent for a technology that another company needs to manufacture a product. Instead of paying for the patent, the two companies can agree to do a joint venture for a specific amount of time where they will manufacture the product and divide the profits equally while still keeping the idea and the patent to each company.Another reason for companies to go into a joint venture is geographical limitations. For instance, if you have a company who wants to get into a country that has policies for foreigners owning their business, they can seek a partnership with a local company and provide that service. Some companies who have the language barrier to contend with for starting a business in a particular country can opt to partner with a local company instead to minimize the hardships of starting up the company.Market access is another reason why some people opt for joint ventures. Rather than spend millions introducing a product to the masses, a company can have a joint venture with a company who already has the market share and the access and just have that product or service bundled up with the local company’s own product or service.Joint ventures are also started when companies or people need the additional funding for raising capitals for the new business or for an expansion. Some lenders and banks also lend easier to companies that are in joint ventures because they feel that there is less risk involved with lending money to them.Truly, joint ventures provide unending benefits to anyone but care must also be done when…
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What You Need To Consider When Choosing A Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program When you are putting up a business, one of the main things that you have to decide on is whether you can do it on your own or partner with other people. This may seem such a no-brainer but don’t be fooled because this is one of the most important decision that you need to make in your life. Partnerships with other people may seem a good idea but in the long run they can also be a headache especially when you don’t get along well with your partners.If you can’t decide and you need help choosing, here are some of the things that you need to consider when “venturing” into a joint venture.1. Do you know your partner well?One of the worst things that can happen to you when starting a business is to get a partner who will only be a burden to you. And trust me, there are plenty of cases like this in the world of business. Some were even long time friends back in the kindergarten, decided to put up a business when they were fresh out of college and then ended up hating each other because of the business. This is why some people choose members of their family to be partners with and this is also why some people do not.Before partnering with anybody, make sure that you know your partner well. Do you have the same work ethic? Do you have the same drive? Do you have the same vision for the company? Can you trust him or her with your life? These are just some of the questions that you need to ask before you can really decide.2. Do you need the money, expertise or the extra hand?If the basic concept of the business is your idea, it is recommended that you put up the business on your own instead of seeking a partner. You only need a partner if you need a person’s expertise in the field or your money is not enough to raise funds for the business. A partnership is also a good idea for people who have full time jobs and are only doing the business as a side job. They need the partner who can help them run the business.If you do not really need any of these three, I would advise you to start the business on your own because there will be less headaches.3. Can you work with a partner?Some people work well with others while others are complete disasters when it comes to dealing with other people. Examine your personality and see if you are cut out to be in a partnership. This means that you will not be boss and will have to compromise. It’s like having a relationship. If you can be in a partnership, then choose someone who can also be in a partnership. Check also how you guys work together and how you can be complementary to each other.
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Should You Start a Joint Venture?

Check FREE JV Blogger Program If you are a manager or a business owner who aims to boost the revenues or profitability of your company, you would not stop to explore options to earn more. There are several practical and logical strategies you could take. Do you think every important company is getting into a joint venture? Is the competition getting more and more intense? Perhaps you just do not want to jump into the bandwagon; you might want to bolster the profitability and growth of your business. Thus, a joint venture could be a viable and significant option for you.You should start a joint venture with another company or with other businesses if you humbly admit the fact that your business is lacking specific resources, expertise, and scale to get into more areas you could not possibly reach with your current status. You could form a joint venture with other companies within your industry or in other industries. You could also form such a venture with a foreign firm or a much larger/smaller one. In a joint venture, you would form another entity or a project.Is your business competitor too strong and too huge to be beaten by your company? Raising more capital may not be the sole solution to your problem. A joint venture with another huge business would do. The deal could give you the necessary resources, technical capability, reach, and scale to equal or challenge a current industry or market leader. The joint venture could also take a broader or wider coverage than your business’ current reach.Another reason to get into a joint venture is your lack of know-how and technical expertise or capability. Your company’s marketing, operational scale, production, and R&D component may not be enough to compete head on with other giants in the industry or in the market. Other companies may have the resources, capital, and technical expertise to complement your own. You should persuade such companies to get into a joint venture agreement with your business.If you are comfortable about combining or sharing your resources with other businesses, you are ready for a joint venture. Modern firms could not possibly function in solitary these days. At one point, every business should consider forming joint ventures with other companies. Competitors and market stalwarts could act together to share a significant market pie. You could opt to own 25% of a $200 million joint venture. It could be more ideal than fully owning a $1 million small business that may eventually collapse due to scale and capital issues.Lastly, if you are aiming to further please your company’s shareholders, you could use any joint venture proposal involving other companies to do so. Share owners definitely prefer it if a company would be able to establish a new source of lucrative income without spending huge resources. Cooperating and forming alliances with other businesses is now very crucial. You and your firm definitely would take pride being a part of a joint venture that tops and…
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Pros and Cons of a Joint Venture

Check JV Blogger Program There are just more than enough accounting and business reasons to get into a joint venture. Your company could truly benefit from partnering with other firms with complementary resources and abilities like distribution channels, technology, and finance, among others. It is not surprising that these days, almost all companies are getting into or at least considering participating into joint ventures. Take note that not all joint ventures succeed. Experts assert that only about 40% of such business endeavors last and achieve goals.Getting into a joint venture is like getting into a give and take relationship. In such a business effort, you should also contribute to the alliance instead of just reaping benefits from it. Your contribution could also be in the form of capital or expertise/technical share. Just like any other business strategies and measures, joint ventures have their own sets of general advantages and disadvantages.First on the list of pros, a joint venture could bring about opportunities to gain or learn new expertise or capacity. Even major or huge companies decide to get into such initiatives especially when they lack specific technical capability or expertise. Through a joint venture, they could learn the skills and technical capacity they need by the end of the partnership.Second, a joint venture could enable companies to enter into related business activities, reach new geographic markets, or attain new technological skills or knowledge. The businesses could access greater resources, including new technology and specialized staff.Of course, a joint venture would force companies to share risks. If your business could not gather the guts to try out a new initiative or project because of the risks involved, you could still pursue the endeavor by making it a joint venture with other firms. This way, the chances of success are made bigger and more achievable. Joint ventures are naturally flexible. It could exist in a limited, specified period or just cease to operate once common objectives and business goals are met.For the list of cons, joint ventures could be taken as mere strategies of opportunistic partners to gain exposure to a new business segment. In many cases, some companies also use the effort just to poach technical experts and professionals from other companies. Joint ventures could also end up in disaster. According to market analyses, up to 60% of all joint businesses worldwide end up in failure.It could take too much effort and time to establish the right and healthy relationship between joint venture partners. There could be inevitable problems. The joint venture objectives and goals may not be fully clear and well communicated to all participants. There could be imbalance in the level of investments, expertise, and assets infused into the project by the partners. Then, there could be less cooperation and poor integration because of varying management styles and cultures of joint venture partners.Remember that is always imperative to review your current business strategies and objectives prior to committing into any joint venture. It is important that you first…
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Accounting Bi Languor / 会计双语

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Accounting Bi Languor / 会计双语

After the latest and accurate help in relation to accountancy…by: Tom