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There’s a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don’t entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them ‘good’ blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let’s look at the problem like we were children.

网络上有很多博客,其中大多数不会吸引人们定期回去阅读更新。 这些在线期刊缺少什么才能本质上成为“好”博客? 嗯,生活中的答案通常归结为简单。 所以让我们像孩子一样看待这个问题。

Children don’t complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject.   First of all, we should ask the questions,” Why do blogs exist? And what are they here for?” Well, in an ideal world ‘good’ blogs would help people connect, sharing knowledge and feelings about issues in life. As they are journals written by individuals we would hope that they’d be readable and open to comment by all other people, not just a select group of friends. The key is speaking in a way that is understandable by the masses, get rid of acronyms and local slang that only few will comprehend.

孩子们不会用杂七杂八的信息让生活变得复杂,当他们说话时,他们会直截了当地告诉你他们对某个主题的感受和想法。 首先,我们应该问这样的问题:“博客为何存在?它们存在的目的是什么?” 嗯,在理想的世界中,“好的”博客可以帮助人们建立联系,分享有关生活中问题的知识和感受。 由于它们是个人撰写的日记,我们希望所有其他人(而不仅仅是选定的一群朋友)都可以阅读并开放评论。 关键是以大众可以理解的方式说话,摆脱只有少数人能理解的缩写词和当地俚语。

Keep the sentences grammatically simple and generally short and concise.   Try to write in your blog as often as possible because if people enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas they’ll want to communicate or at least be filled in regularly on ‘your world’. Ask questions, comment on other blogs of similar content, start communities with others you’ve never met, based on your interests.

保持句子语法简单,一般简短明了。 尝试尽可能多地在您的博客中写作,因为如果人们喜欢阅读您的想法和想法,他们就会想要交流或至少定期填写“您的世界”。 根据您的兴趣提出问题、评论类似内容的其他博客、与您从未见过的其他人建立社区。

Keep focused; if your blog is about thoughts on war and peace, keep your thoughts on the latest movie and how hungry you are for somewhere else. The idea is to incite intelligent communication so that in time our collective stockpile of knowledge and wisdom will gradually grow like a tree in fertile soil.  

保持专注; 如果您的博客是关于战争与和平的想法,请将您的想法放在最新的电影以及您对其他地方的渴望上。 我们的想法是激发智能交流,以便我们集体积累的知识和智慧将像一棵树在肥沃的土壤中逐渐成长。

I think of most importance is the fact that you want this journal to be ‘good’ reading. Of course we all have ideas about what genres and styles we like, but writing from your heart and soul is imperative for the connection with others that you’re looking for. Share yourself; don’t hide behind walls of fear of ridicule and judgment.

我认为最重要的是你希望这本杂志“好”读。 当然,我们都对自己喜欢的流派和风格有自己的想法,但发自内心和灵魂的写作对于与您正在寻找的其他人建立联系至关重要。 分享自己; 不要因为害怕嘲笑和判断而躲在高墙后面。

In real life relationships trust, respect, intimacy, and unity are all necessary for a bond to form. It’s the same in the ‘virtual’ world; people want to hear from real people-not just one-sided, highly opinionated arguments from egos that don’t want to hear the ‘other side of the coin’.  

在现实生活中,信任、尊重、亲密和团结对于形成纽带都是必要的。 在“虚拟”世界中也是如此; 人们希望听到真实的人的声音,而不仅仅是那些不想听到“硬币的另一面”的自负者的片面、固执己见的论点。

Now, in my last article I really tore apart most writers out there, and here I’m giving some pretty complex ideas on how to fix the problem of ‘bad’ writing. In my next article I’ll attempt to go back to the simple basics of how to write for beginners.

现在,在我的上一篇文章中,我确实驳斥了大多数作家,在这里我给出了一些关于如何解决“糟糕”写作问题的相当复杂的想法。 在我的下一篇文章中,我将尝试回到初学者如何写作的简单基础知识。

I hope I haven’t come across as too judgmental, I just truly believe the ‘blog world’ could become a real asset to humanity, and at the moment it’s missing the mark.  


Ideas about sentence structure, grammar, paragraphing, using a thesaurus (varying terms used so as not to sound repetitive), whether or not your blog is suitable for a personal or professional approach, are all important to creating a simple and enjoyable read for the blogging visitor. If you are a beginner, please check out my next article on the basics.

关于句子结构、语法、段落、使用同义词库(使用不同的术语以免听起来重复)的想法,无论您的博客是否适合个人或专业方法,对于为读者创造简单而愉快的阅读都很重要。 博客访客。 如果您是初学者,请查看我的下一篇有关基础知识的文章。

Jesse S. Somer
Jesse S. Somer is a writer hoping to help potential bloggers to write interesting and informative on-line journals.

Jesse S. Somer 是一位作家,希望帮助潜在的博主撰写有趣且信息丰富的在线期刊。

Bathroom 浴室

Bathroom / 浴室 / JV Blogger Eric Ten

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Acai Berries

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6 steps to AdSense Domination

by: Keith Baxter Copyright 2005 Keith Baxter When you make your living online, you realize the need for multiple streams of income. One of the easiest and most lucrative ways to generate a secondary income, which also happens to be passive, is via Google’s Adsense program. I’m sure you’ve read the claims of a few individuals generating five figure monthly incomes from Adsense. For many of you, I’m sure you are wondering why you aren’t making this same income yourself. Well, wonder no more. If you follow my simple six step system, you will be well on your way to healthy Adsense profits within three months. Are you ready? It’s now time to pay attention. Step 1 – Preparation. The key to making money with Adsense is all about numbers. BIG numbers! Sure, there are a few people making serious money with less than ten sites, but these are the exception. Your goal will be twenty-four sites in three months. That’s just TWO sites per week! In order to accomplish this, I recommend one of the many available page generation tools available today. Step 2 – Determine Your Markets. In order to maximize Adsense income with only twenty-four sites, you must…
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Book Review Cooking Cooking Tips Diabetes Diabetics Recipe

Regulated Eating Strategies “eBook”

-1-Terms and Conditions LEGAL NOTICE The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible  in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does  not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are  accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in  this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors,  omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.  Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations  are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no  guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their  own judgment about their individual circumstances to act  accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business,  accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services  of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance  fields. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.- 2 – Table Of Contents Foreword Chapter 1: Why We Have The Problems We Get Into Chapter 2: Changing The Mentality Chapter 3: Advantages Of Eating Right Chapter 4: How To Eat Healthy Chapter…
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Blogging Information Collection by JV Blogger Eric Ten

Free Honest Ways to Blog for Living with…I will Show you an easy way to Blog and how a blog can do miracle Things to help you to blog for profits… Read the following Articles that I have put together to help you on your blogging journeys Read or listen in a Translate language you want…Click Here
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I Hate Writing Articles – Isn’t There An Easier Way?!

Owning, running and maintaining an internet based business or a site needs articles. Plain andsimple, every who has a site knows this. Even those who don’t have sites but are frequentinternet users knows this as well. Articles quench the thirst for information and knowledge of thepeople. Plus, the articles provides many other benefits for the site…Scroll Down to Read More Advertiser Here Advertiser Here Scroll Down to Do More Research on this Topic Advertiser Here Advertiser Here Advertiser Here < Advertiser Here
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7 Incredible Health Benefits Of Acai Berries You Didn’t Know | Boldsky

Click Here for Full Page View or Do More Research on Acai Berries Click Here for Full Page View or Do More Research on Acai Berries You see, a lot of weight loss products available in the market today are based on synthetic chemicals. And, as most of you know, synthetic drugs can produce negative side effects. This is why you have to look for a better alternative in order for you to lose weight. What this means is that you need to look for a better weight loss supplement. In fact, you have been convinced already by your family, friends, and co-workers and have seen with your own two eyes the results they yield. Just to give an example and drive the point home, studies have shown that a glass of red wine helps provide antioxidants to your body for detoxification. Well, acai berries can provide three times more antioxidants than red wine. With many different products made from acai berries, ranging from fruit juices, food supplement pills, or just plainly as a fruit, available in stores and markets, its highly likely that there is some truth to those claims. In fact, acai berries are now even made into…
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Acai berry will not only help you lose weight fast

Click Here for Full Page View or Do More Research on Acai Berries Click Here to Do More Research on this JV Blogger Blog Acai Berries Acai berries will not only help you lose weight fast but will also let you do so while keeping the body healthy. You see, a lot of weight loss products available in the market today are based on synthetic chemicals. And, as most of you know, synthetic drugs can produce negative side effects. This is why you have to look for a better alternative for you to lose weight. With the world today full of pollutants and carcinogens, we need all the help we can get, and the acai berry will be a big boost in ensuring that we lead a healthy lifestyle. Plus, acai berries also help us to fight off the symptoms of aging, not just from the inside, but also from the outside. It can provide us with healthy glowing skin and prevent sagging and loss of elasticity. Acai berry soda manufacturers make use of a process that ensures that you will be able to benefit from this acai berry product the same way you would with a fresh just picked-from…
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You Need A Partner: Taking A Look At Joint Ventures

Check FREE JV Blogger Program When you're an entrepreneur with an idea, it can be sometimes very difficult to get it off the ground. You may be short on resources or don't have the know-how to implement your brilliant plan. Bu don't give up yet! Most businessmen in your position usually manage to go ahead with their big ideas by going into joint ventures. A joint venture is a limited form of partnership where two business entities come together to form an independent undertaking. This is mostly done so that the risks involved when starting a new business are highly reduced and that resources would be used to maximum efficiency.Joint ventures also provide a lot more than spreading around the risk between partners and enable efficienct resource management. There are several other reasons why joint ventures are formed. Here are some of them:a) Better market penetration: having an established partner in the target demographic or location is a great boon for those looking to increase the sale of their wares. The usual arrangement is that one partner uses its already in place selling infrastructure to distribute the other partner's products.b) Geographical considerations: Global companies are always looking to lower…
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Joint Ventures: A Simple Introduction

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Whether you're new in the art of business or have been an entrepreneur for some time, you'll eventually come across the idea of becoming part of a joint venture. It may sound like a bit of complicated business talk but a joint venture is a variation on the age-old idea of a business partnership. Though, of course, it's a lot more complicated than that.Joint ventures are legal entities created when two or more companies pool their resources for a single goal.As legal entities, they are similar to corporations, able to operate independently of its founding companies and has the corresponding rights as a business operation – this means it can acquire properties, has separate liabilities and assets and can sue and be sued in court. Joint ventures usually come about in the way that all partnerships usually come about – one party has something that the other wants and the other party is willing to share its resources to the benefit of both. Joint ventures are formed by small companies hoping to expand, while global companies usually does them so that they can enter a particular country's market.There are several advantages to joining a…
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Accounting Police: Do They Exist? by: John Day

Who created accounting principles? Who sets and revises accounting standards? What if you don’t follow all the rules, do you go to jail? Is there an accounting police force that investigates and arrests violators? It would seem that there must be some regulatory force to make sure that providers of financial statements conform to the rules. There is, up to a point, and here is how it works: Mainly, it’s all voluntary and it works pretty well. First, double-entry accounting originated in Italy in the 1400’s, so its been around awhile. Accounting principles have evolved over the years just as have accounting standards. The reason why the system works is that the business community could not function if there was not commonality and consistency in financial statement reporting. It would be chaos, much like if there were no driving rules of the road. Therefore, in the United States, a body of experts known as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB pronounced Fasbee) was established in 1973, which superseded another board called the Accounting Principles Board (APB). The FASB members go through a lengthy process of analyzing and reviewing problems in the accounting field that are brought to them. After much…
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JV Blogger Eric Ten Blogging List

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Blogging Information Collection by JV Blogger Eric Ten

Free Honest Ways to Blog for Living with…I will Show you an easy way to Blog and how a blog can do miracle Things to help you to blog for profits… Read the following Articles that I have put together to help you on your blogging journeys Read or listen in a Translate language you want…Click Here
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Blogging Book Marketing Business Business Plan Career Copywriting Creative Writing E Marketing ebook writing Email Marketing Goal-Setting Home Business Internet Tips Joint Ventures Info collection Network Marketing Pay Per Click Publishing Sales Letter Self Employment Small Business Time-Management Web Development Website Traffic Writing Tips

I Hate Writing Articles – Isn’t There An Easier Way?!

Owning, running and maintaining an internet based business or a site needs articles. Plain andsimple, every who has a site knows this. Even those who don’t have sites but are frequentinternet users knows this as well. Articles quench the thirst for information and knowledge of thepeople. Plus, the articles provides many other benefits for the site…Scroll Down to Read More Advertiser Here Advertiser Here Scroll Down to Do More Research on this Topic Advertiser Here Advertiser Here Advertiser Here < Advertiser Here
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You Need A Partner: Taking A Look At Joint Ventures

Check FREE JV Blogger Program When you're an entrepreneur with an idea, it can be sometimes very difficult to get it off the ground. You may be short on resources or don't have the know-how to implement your brilliant plan. Bu don't give up yet! Most businessmen in your position usually manage to go ahead with their big ideas by going into joint ventures. A joint venture is a limited form of partnership where two business entities come together to form an independent undertaking. This is mostly done so that the risks involved when starting a new business are highly reduced and that resources would be used to maximum efficiency.Joint ventures also provide a lot more than spreading around the risk between partners and enable efficienct resource management. There are several other reasons why joint ventures are formed. Here are some of them:a) Better market penetration: having an established partner in the target demographic or location is a great boon for those looking to increase the sale of their wares. The usual arrangement is that one partner uses its already in place selling infrastructure to distribute the other partner's products.b) Geographical considerations: Global companies are always looking to lower…
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Joint Ventures: A Simple Introduction

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Whether you're new in the art of business or have been an entrepreneur for some time, you'll eventually come across the idea of becoming part of a joint venture. It may sound like a bit of complicated business talk but a joint venture is a variation on the age-old idea of a business partnership. Though, of course, it's a lot more complicated than that.Joint ventures are legal entities created when two or more companies pool their resources for a single goal.As legal entities, they are similar to corporations, able to operate independently of its founding companies and has the corresponding rights as a business operation – this means it can acquire properties, has separate liabilities and assets and can sue and be sued in court. Joint ventures usually come about in the way that all partnerships usually come about – one party has something that the other wants and the other party is willing to share its resources to the benefit of both. Joint ventures are formed by small companies hoping to expand, while global companies usually does them so that they can enter a particular country's market.There are several advantages to joining a…
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Writing Articles as an Affordable Internet Marketing Method

Embed item / Paste HTML to Share embed in your blog or website <iframe src="" width="880" height="880" allow="autoplay"></iframe> <
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Why Big Business Firms Form Joint Ventures?

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Nestle SA and Colgate-Palmolive formed a joint venture to develop and sell candy that can produce plague and clean teeth. IBM and Lenovo Group also formed a joint venture. IBM sold its PC Division to the China-based company that would make the latter the third world’s largest PC maker. Skype Software of Denmark and Tom Online of China developed a joint venture to distribute a simplified version of Skype's VOIP. Is joint ventures business hype or a way to achieve business strategies? Here are the reasons why many big business firms form joint ventures:1. To develop new products – Examples of functional confectionary products are gum and candy that have health and beauty benefits. Sales of these products are growing for about 6 percent each year which is twice the growth rate of standard gum and candy. Nestle SA had no functional confectionary products prior to its joint venture with Colgate-Palmolive. Cadbury Schweppes, PLC's Adams, and Wm. Wrigley Jr. dominate the functional confectionery segment.2. Allow companies to improve communications and networking – Kathryn Rudie Harrigan of Columbia University says that in today's business environment joint ventures are most appropriate to topple scarce resources, rapid…
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What are the elements of a good joint venture?

Check JV Blogger Program Joint ventures are not always successful. This can be hard to imagine especially when it promises a lot of benefits for all concerned. There is less risk. There is sharing of resources. There is more people to get ideas from. There is help around. Generally, it is like having another you working towards a goal.Joint ventures can be entered into by two or more parties depending on the need. Often, joint ventures are created in order to produce a product or realize a project that will need different resources and these resources cannot be provided by just one person or company. Think about it as organizing an event. To plan the party and make it a success, you need a good caterer, a good party planner, great sound system, decorations and stage set-up. Each of these companies provide expertise that you cannot provide. When these people or companies come together, each putting their own products, technology, service or expertise on the table, that is what is called a joint venture.There are several vital elements to a joint venture and you need to look into each one to make sure that it will be a success.The…
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What To Consider When Starting A Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Taken loosely, the term “joint venture” can mean a heloma of things. It is even use as a synonym for partnership especially for first-time entrepreneurs who are seeking financial or industrial partners. To those who are not familiar with the business lingo, the financial partner is one who provides the money for the company while the industrial partner is one who provides the expertise for the company.Although the term can also be used for this, in the real sense though, a joint venture is more than just a partnership. It refers to the partnership of two or more entities who seek alliance in order to make a new product or start a project. It differs from the ordinary kind of partnership in the sense that it can also be short-term, only for the duration of the project or the product undertaken.You see, a joint venture can be undertaken temporarily until a project is finished. Most of the time, this is done by companies, even well-established ones, because they lack the resources that they need to make a project or a product a success. The partners that are sought will be able to find additional…
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Drawbacks of Joint Ventures

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Joint ventures are a form of strategic alliance that can be described as a collaborative effort in the form of legal entity like a corporation, partnership or limited liability company. The elements common to joint ventures include community interest in the subject of the undertaking, sharing profits and losses, equal right to direct and control the decision of each other and of the joint venture, and fiduciary relation between or among the parties if participants are more than two persons. Entering into joint ventures can cause additional burdens and risks, the following are the drawbacks of this strategic alliance:1. Loss of competitive advantage – Joint ventures, acquisitions, and alliances with an actual or potential competitor may jeopardize the cooperative advantage that a business might otherwise have developed in the absence of the relationship. As a participant, it is important for you to evaluate whether your goals and business opportunities can be achieved even without assistance of competitors or whether the price of such opportunities and goals is excessive in light of the overall business objectives of the entity.2. Lack of control – Two or three heads is better than one, they say. But no…
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Three Important Tips when Entering a Joint Venture

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Your decision to take part in a lucrative joint venture could truly help bolster your business. Such an initiative is normal and strategic especially these days when competition is just so intense and resources of companies get very limited. If you aim for your business to attain success, you have to approach entry into a joint venture positively and in the appropriate way. If not, your business endeavor would end in a disaster. Not all joint ventures succeed. That is why before you get into one, you should consider the following important guidelines.First, be sure to select or pursue the right business project. As a manager or business owner, you should be able to look at the big picture. You should be strategic and logical at the same time. Before entering any joint venture agreement or effort, be sure to choose the right projects or endeavors to take. The cardinal rule is to choose a specific project that would undoubtedly and surely succeed in the long run. Your prudence and good business sense would help you assess proposed projects. Your management skills and analytical expertise should help you assess whether a project you are…
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How to Convince Other Companies to Accept your Joint Venture Offer

Check FREE JV Blogger Program Your company could be aiming to jumpstart or roll out an important project but you just could not easily do so because of the significant risks involved. Furthermore, your business may not have sufficient capital and technical expertise to carry on the endeavor. To be able to pursue your goals, you should form a joint venture with other companies, which should be willing to support and take part in your business initiative.It may not be that easy to persuade other firms to get into an agreement to form a joint venture with your business. To be able to make the task less daunting and more successful, you have to follow the following tips and guidelines to make your joint offer to other businesses more interesting and more irresistible.First, highlight the win-win situation your proposed project could bring about to partners. Make other companies understand about the practical and logical benefits that they could gain upon agreeing to get into the venture. You could also explain why you are determined to pursue it. Be honest to tell them that you aim to gain more revenues.Do not produce very lengthy joint venture proposals. Remember the basic…
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Collection of Joint Ventures Info on, What You Should Know About It ?

Check JV Blogger Program Joint ventures are important in business. Getting into one is a way for most companies to make the most of their resources without having to risk much and raise a lot of capital. This is especially true for young companies who are just starting their operations and are still testing the waters.But as much as it is one viable idea for businesses, it is not always beneficial. In fact, out of the many who attempt to get into a joint venture, only a few manages to really survive the first five years. This is not because of the “joint venture” per se but because the partners or the partner companies are incompatible.That is actually the first rule that you should know when opting for a joint venture. Just because a company fits your needs-criteria, it does not mean that it is already a perfect fit to you or your company for a joint venture. You see, a company may provide the service, the product or the technology that you need for a project but if they are not a company that you trust, partnering with them may mean suicide for you. There are a lot…
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Writing Good Blogs / 写好博客

This Article is Sponsor By There's a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don't entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them 'good' blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let's look at the problem like we were children. 网络上有很多博客,其中大多数不会吸引人们定期回去阅读更新。 这些在线期刊缺少什么才能本质上成为“好”博客? 嗯,生活中的答案通常归结为简单。 所以让我们像孩子一样看待这个问题。 Children don't complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject.   First of all, we should ask the questions," Why do blogs exist? And what are they here for?" Well, in an ideal world 'good' blogs would help people connect, sharing knowledge and feelings about issues in life. As they are journals written by individuals we would hope that they'd be readable and open to comment by all other people, not just a select group of friends. The key is speaking in a way that is understandable by the masses, get rid of acronyms and local slang that only few will comprehend. 孩子们不会用杂七杂八的信息让生活变得复杂,当他们说话时,他们会直截了当地告诉你他们对某个主题的感受和想法。 首先,我们应该问这样的问题:“博客为何存在?它们存在的目的是什么?” 嗯,在理想的世界中,“好的”博客可以帮助人们建立联系,分享有关生活中问题的知识和感受。 由于它们是个人撰写的日记,我们希望所有其他人(而不仅仅是选定的一群朋友)都可以阅读并开放评论。 关键是以大众可以理解的方式说话,摆脱只有少数人能理解的缩写词和当地俚语。 Keep the sentences grammatically simple and generally short and…
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Blogging Part 9 / 博客第 9 部分中文

This Is Just a Example In Chinese / Original English / 这只是一个例子中文 / 英文原文 阅读免费信息文章和电子书类别: 最新文章帖子 / 最新电子书帖子 / 不同作者的文章 博客/ YouTube 和视频/美容/商业与投资/汽车/烹饪美酒/电子商务与电子营销/教育/就业与工作/财务/时尚/游戏/绿色产品/健康与健身/家居与园艺/音乐/育儿与家庭/宠物/摄影/人际关系/参考/自助/灵性、新时代与另类信仰/运动/旅行 免费…通过聆听英语故事有声读物和阅读电子书来与孩子一起学习或提高英语的同时度过一些时间的有趣方式。 在这里聆听、阅读英语故事有声读物和电子书 研究表明,阅读英语的学生在语言学习的各个领域的进步速度都比不阅读的学生更快。不仅阅读能力得到提高,听力能力也得到提高…立即聆听和阅读… 利用以下免费信息和指南来帮助您以正确的方式开始您的在线业务,这将节省您研究或弄清楚下一步该做什么的时间……  阅读此处发布的所有信息是一个好主意…即使是相同的主题…只要记住每个信息作者都有自己的策略或做事方式…您可能会从不同的地方获得新的东西作者… 将此页面添加为书签以检查新推出的在线业务更新信息  x10Tv 建议阅读的以下信息是经过尝试、测试或研究的信息,以确保指导您正确的方法…  免责声明和使用条款协议:(请在使用本报告之前阅读此内容) Beginner Start Part 1 / More Advance Blogger Go to Part 10 初学者开始第 1 部分/更多高级博主转到第 10 部分 Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner (Part ONE) / 初学者轻松成功写博客 (第一部分) Read Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner Part 2 The Newbie Guide to Traffic Generation / 阅读初学者轻松成功写博客的分步指南第 2 部分流量生成新手指南 Read Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner Part 3 The Basic Insiders Guide To Profitable Niche Research / 阅读初学者轻松博客成功的分步指南第 3 部分:盈利利基研究的基本内部人士指南 Read Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner Part 4 Simple Effective SEO Secrets / 阅读初学者轻松成功写博客的分步指南第 4 部分:简单有效的 SEO 秘诀 Read Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner Part 5 Mastering Social Media Marketing in 30 days / 阅读初学者轻松写博客成功的步骤第 5 部分:30 天内掌握社交媒体营销 Read Are you Ready to Blog Question Part 6 of Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner? / 请阅读《你准备好写博客了吗?问题第 6 部分》让初学者轻松写博客成功? Read Affiliate Marketing Influence Part 7 of Step By Step Easy Blogging Success for Beginner? / 阅读联盟营销影响力的第 7 部分:一步一步简单博客初学者成功吗? How to bring Traffics to Your New Blog / Part 8 about Blogging / 如何为您的新博客带来流量/第 8 部分:关于博客…
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